Alphakleen is now looking for volunteer to participate on an active bedbug trap that will effectively trap & eliminate bedbugs. It works by luring out the bedbugs from their hiding place hence terminating them more effectively via an active approach. If you wish to enquire more & participate in the experiment, please contact us at +60126688934
Claim yours FREE today!
Are you tired of waking up to itchy bites and restless nights? Bedbugs might be the hidden culprit. At Alphakleen, we understand how distressing it can be to deal with these elusive pests. Our mission is to help you identify, eliminate, and prevent bedbug infestations—so you can enjoy a peaceful, bite-free home once again.
Whether you’re facing a current infestation or simply want to safeguard your space from these pests, we offer expert advice, innovative solutions, and effective treatments tailored to your needs. With our professional guidance, you’ll sleep soundly knowing your home is protected from these nocturnal nuisances. Let’s take the first step toward reclaiming your space today!

This little creature is believed to originated since 3,500 years ago and is thriving now due to globalization as well as global warming. Yes, it especially likes warm environment and very good in hiding away from our plain sight. Bedbug usually spread by hiding in luggage, bag, clothes or woods, while being transport to another new location. One common way of bedbug spreading is via hotel rooms where the bedbugs crawl into luggage bag and hence being migrated to a new habitat. In Malaysia, a common way bedbug spread is via discarded furniture being pick up by another owner. So if you see a nice mattress or sofa at the dump side, chances are it’s infested with bedbugs!
Bedbug feeds on fresh blood from the host. Yes, they only crave for nothing but fresh warm blood, especially human blood. Once it has a stable food source and a mating partner, your nightmare officially begins.
Bedbug lay up to 20 eggs at one time. And each baby bug will reach adulthood in about 1 month time. Sounds not that bad? That actually means 20 bedbugs in a month time, lets say half will be female and lay another 20 eggs, that will be 200 bedbugs in 2 months time, 2,000 bedbugs in 3 months time, and 20,000 bedbugs in 4 months time. In half a year (if there’s enough food for them) that number will reach 2 MILLION!
These nasty little creature has almost a bullet-proof design. It’s tiny, crawl fast, hard to kill, knows how to avoid being detected by human, and they knows how to hide! There’s a common saying “When you spotted 1 bedbug, they are usually hundreds more hiding under plain sight”. Bedbugs have a pair of “antenna” that helps them to detect light, human activity, carbon dioxide, heat & smell. Once the host is asleep, it will start to crawl out of their hiding place and start to feast. To first realize if we have a bedbug threat, we have to identify them first.
Bedbug bites are usually very itchy and very very uncomfortable to the skin. It is very common that the host is often awaken by the itchiness of the bites and can’t suffer from sleepless nights. Bedbugs bites are usually in a line and mostly itchy. Bedbug don’t only crawl to the host during blood meal time. Once fed, they will crawl back to their hiding place. So it’s not easy to spot them. Identifying the bite marks is usually the first sign.
Since bedbugs feed on blood, they have a very distinct feces track too. Bedbug feces are black and often found around the lining around the mattress or hidden corner of the bedframe. Their feces are black and spotted. Typically when you found the black spots, chances are the bedbugs are just hiding nearby (within 15cm radius). Finding their track may not be easy as bedbug really knows how to hide. If you can think of any inconspicuous area of the bed or bedframe, chances are bedbugs are hiding there!
OK I know we are dealing with bedbugs but it’s not the end of the world. Once we understand what we are dealing with, we can find a way to get rid of them too. Main there are 3 steps:
Right, the bedbugs feed on us when we are asleep. First and foremost is to get rid of the bedbugs on the mattress & bedframe. There is no shortcut I’m afraid. We have to apply non-poisonous bedbug sprays onto every area of the bed, bed frame, bolster, pillow etc thoroughly. The bedsheets, quilt, quilt cover, blanket and all the washable items have to be hot-washed (at least 60 degree celcius). Remember, it has to be thorough or the survived bedbugs will continue to feed on you & multiply again!
REMARK: Repeat this step every 3 days during the first 15 days, and every 7 days afterwards to completely eradicate bedbugs & their eggs in your bed!
Great, now at least you can enjoy a few good night sleep. Once we make sure your bed & bed frame has no bedbug, it’s time to isolate your bed to prevent any remaining bedbugs hiding in your room to crawl on your bed to feast on you again. To isolate your bed first you need to shift your bed away from any walls, curtains or in contact with anything in your room. It has to be completely “stand-alone”.
Next, find 4 containers and sprinkle baby powder at the outer part of the container, then place it at the 4 legs of your mattress (if there’s extra support leg you need to place additional container as well). That way, bedbugs won’t be able to crawl on your bed to feed on you anymore.
Additional precaution is needed as well. For example, you have to ensure your blanket or quilt do not get in touch with the wall or ground or else the bedbugs will find their way to reach the host & started feeding again. In short, you have to ensure your bed remains isolated at all times, and I do mean, AT ALL TIMES!
Now the tide is on our side. Without food source, the bugs can’t multiply any further, and we can start to eradicate them 1 by 1. Start by slowly clearing things in your room one area at a time. Curtains, clothes and other washable items have to be hot-washed and sealed upon drying. Other items such as book and other non fabric items is recommended to be sealed upon inspection too. As a rule of thumb, hot-wash all washable items and remove them away from the infested room. All other items, inspect & seal them batch by batch.
CAUTION: DO NOT move items to other places of your house or it will start to spread elsewhere!
Bed bug is by far one of the hardest pest to get rid off. With some patience, we can win this battle. The most important thing thou, is by stop feeding them blood meal. Once the feeding stops, eradicating bedbug is just a matter of time.
Yes, it does require some patience as the inspection process takes time and have to be thorough. Adult bedbug can survive up to a year without food. Hence you have to be watchful & conduct weekly inspection to ensure they are completely gone (Yes that is why it requires A LOT of patience). At the mean time, keep in mind to always keep your bed isolated so that inspection process can be simplified.
Alphakleen is now looking for volunteer to participate on an active bedbug trap that will effectively trap & eliminate bedbugs. It works by luring out the bedbugs from their hiding place hence terminating them more effectively via an active approach. If you wish to enquire more & participate in the experiment, please contact CY LIN at +60126688934
Claim yours FREE today!